Wednesday, March 21, 2018

The Subway Girls

Analysis:  The book alternates chapters between past and present.  The present focuses on an advertising campaign that draws attention to the past and this contest, and the chapters in the past focus on the challenges that the girls went through, both in the contest itself and in society.

Reaction: I do not have enough good things to say about this book.  It's engaging from beginning to end.  The alternating chapters didn't bother me because both stories were equally interesting.  Usually one story is more interesting than the other and you can't wait to get back to it, but that wasn't the case here.  The Ark carried two of everything, so this book in two words: Adversity & Barriers

Courtesies:  Thank you to the author, Susie Orman Schnall, and the publisher, St. Martin's Press, for allowing me the pleasure of reading this fabulous book.  It's an honor to promote it.

Sets Sail:  July 10, 2018

Birthday Girl

 I'm dipping my toes into the world of ARCs and this is my first one, so business before pleasure, thank you to the author, Matthew Iden, and the publisher, Thomas & Mercer, for allowing the privilege of reading it. I ended up giving the book 4 stars. On the one hand, it was a fast paced thrill ride that was easy to enjoy and well written. However, some of the characters you were supposed to like and feel for, I just...didn't. I don't know if that's me or the way it was written but that's the way I felt. Hopefully I'm in the minority, and the twist at the end didn't really make much sense to me, in that it seemed unnecessary. But all and all, I enjoyed it. A very good read. 

Sets sail: March 20, 2018

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Love & Ruin

Rating this book is very hard for me. I don't know enough about the subjects to comment on its authenticity, but when it was over, I found myself wanting to know more. I read somewhere that once you make it through the beginning chapters, it takes off, and that was true for me as well, as it is a slow starter. I always read comparisons to her other book, that this one was better or that that one was, but I didn't read it so I didn't have that comparison to relate it to. Just a very up and down book for me. I found myself wanting to know what happened next but when it came time to put it down and do other things, that was pretty easy to do. But an enjoyable read none the less.

Thank you to the author, Paula McLain, and the publisher, Random House, for making this available for me to read and review.

Sets Sail: May 1, 2018

The Good Samaritan

An ARC so business first.Thank you to the author, John Marrs, and the publisher, Thomas & Mercer for making this available for me to read. I definitely enjoyed it.

I don't think I'll ever look at a suicide hotline number the same way again. In fact, I think I need a shower after that. It was like some sicked, twisted chess match of two people trying to one up each other. But it was well written and engaging, kept you wondering what was going to happen next. The only thing I didn't like about it was the chapters resetting when it switched perspectives. So you wound up with four chapter ones. That made it hard to know how far you were into the book. But overall, a great read.

Sets Sail: April 12th 2018 
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Monday, March 19, 2018

About Me

My story is simple, yet complicated. I've always loved books and reading since I was a kid.  It's always been a part of me. I always had a book with me at work to help me kill time on breaks.  Well, you get the idea....But if you think about it like a pie chart, it has gone from a piece of the pie to the majority.  In January of 2016, my bladder ruptured and I was in a coma for 6 weeks.  My body was basically being poisoned by itself and I suffered what's called an anoxic brain injury.  Life as I knew it stopped and a new chapter began.  Since that time, I have indulged in my books, since they can take me places I can't get to at the moment, and as a bonus, reading counts as therapy.  Remembering characters, plot, etc, so every book I read is also a memory exercise for me.  Since I have been reading so many books, I figured why not share my thoughts with others and maybe develop a little give and take.


So I have been encouraged to start a blog about my reading, so that is what I'm trying to do. Welcome to Noah's ARC.  This whole process is new to me so I hope you will be patient as I try to figure things out. What you see today might not be what you see tomorrow.  In the mean time sit back, relax and enjoy the ride.  I hear there's going to be flooding. Hopefully we don't lose power.  Make sure everything is charged and don't forget to bring a book.  Those always make rides seem shorter.  Maybe something you see here.

The Perfect Girlfriend

Analysis:  The story of a woman who goes to extreme lengths to get back the relationship that she's lost.   Reaction:  Somebody nee...