Friday, April 12, 2019

The Perfect Girlfriend

Analysis:  The story of a woman who goes to extreme lengths to get back the relationship that she's lost.  

Reaction:  Somebody needs to tell this girl when enough is enough.  She keeps pushing and pushing and you're thinking "would you just stop already".  But, I suppose we would all go to extreme lengths for the person we love.  The problem it takes two and if the other person doesn't do it too, it's like beating your head against a brick wall.  On the plus side, the background of this story is the airline industry, which the author has a background in and she does a very nice job of taking the reader behind the curtain to see behind the scenes without dumbing it down so much that you feel like an idiot.  As Hemingway once said, write about what you know about, and in this case Karen Hamilton, certainly does.

Courtesies:  Thank you to the author, Karen Hamilton, and the publisher, Graydon House, for the chance to read and review this book.  It was very enjoyable.

Sets Sail: March 26, 2019 (Still trying to play catch up but this one has only been out a couple weeks so get it if you see it .)

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Beautiful Bad

(A note:  I am seriously behind on my ARCs and am trying to rectify that.  Some of the books posted might already be out)

Analysis:  How far would you go to save the one you love most in this world?  Would you even recognize the person you would have to become if you looked in the mirror?

Reaction:  One of the things that makes a good enjoyable book (at least to me) is if you can relate to it.  Yep, been there.  Oh, I've done that.  etc.  So, full disclosure, I have  a brain injury (as I mention in my About Me, so no need to rehash it. ) So it's interesting to see the similarities and differences, since symptoms vary from case to case.  Yep, got that.  No, don't do that.  I don't THINK I've plotted anybody's demise today =P

Courtesies: Thank you to the author, Annie Ward, and the publisher, Harlequin-Trade Publishing, for the opportunity to review this wonderful book.  It is a fascinating tale for anyone who loves a good puzzle.

Sets Sail:  March 5, 2019...aka this is one of the ones that's already out.  HIGHLY worth the money so get your copy today. 

The Perfect Girlfriend

Analysis:  The story of a woman who goes to extreme lengths to get back the relationship that she's lost.   Reaction:  Somebody nee...