Sunday, August 19, 2018

Sold On A Monday

Analysis: A reporter has to undo what he did after faking a picture of two kids for sale that winds up getting them sold, and separated. He has to track down where they've and get them back.

Reaction:  Um, it was okay.  I liked it but I didn't feel any urge to rush to read it.  As it was, I barely finished it in the time I had to review it.  However, I did finish it and kept reading it, just not very quickly.  The story was good, not great.  

Courtesies:  Thank you to the author, Kristina McMorris, and the publisher, Sourcebooks Landmark, for making this available to read and review, ahead of its release.

Sets Sail:  August 28, 2018 

The Perfect Girlfriend

Analysis:  The story of a woman who goes to extreme lengths to get back the relationship that she's lost.   Reaction:  Somebody nee...